
ESCH Pascale

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > LUCET

Main Referenced Co-authors
FISCHBACH, Antoine  (20)
KELLER, Ulrich  (19)
UGEN, Sonja  (15)
WOLLSCHLÄGER, Rachel  (13)
PIT-TEN CATE, Ineke  (11)
Main Referenced Keywords
Luxembourg (7); COVID (6); academic achievement (5); Educational Inequalities (5); competence (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) (10)
Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (22)
Neurosciences & behavior (3)
Public health, health care sciences & services (2)
Psychiatry (1)
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (1)

Publications (total 29)

The most downloaded
Lenz, T., Backes, S., Colling, J., Esch, P., Fischbach, A., Gezer, E. T., Grund, A., Keller, U., & Ugen, S. (2023). European Public School Report 2023: Preliminary results on student population, educational trajectories, mathematics achievement, and stakeholder perceptions. Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) & Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT). doi:10.48746/eps2023

The most cited

214 citations (Scopus®)

Esch, P., Bocquet, V., Pull, C., Couffignal, S., Lehnert, T., Graas, M., Fond-Harmant, L., & Ansseau, M. (2014). The downward spiral of mental disorders and educational attainment: a systematic review on early school leaving. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 237. doi:10.1186/s12888-014-0237-4

COLLING, J., GRUND, A., KELLER, U., ESCH, P., FISCHBACH, A., & UGEN, S. (November 2023). Mathematics Achievement in Primary and Secondary Schools: A Comparison Between Students in European Public Schools and Students in Schools Following the Luxembourgish Curriculum [Paper presentation]. LuxERA Emerging Researchers' Conference 2023.
Peer reviewed

Monteiro, S., Esch, P., Hipp, G., & Ugen, S. (25 July 2023). The impact of cerebral visual impairment on scholastic competence tests in grade 1 children [Paper presentation]. 14th Low Vision Conference, Denver, Colorado, United States.

Lenz, T., Backes, S., Colling, J., Esch, P., Fischbach, A., Gezer, E. T., Grund, A., Keller, U., & Ugen, S. (2023). European Public School Report 2023: Preliminary results on student population, educational trajectories, mathematics achievement, and stakeholder perceptions. Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) & Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT). doi:10.48746/eps2023

Colling, J., Grund, A., Keller, U., Esch, P., & Ugen, S. (2023). Mathematics Achievement at Primary and Secondary School Level: A Comparison Between Curricula. In European Public School Report 2023: Preliminary Results on Student Population, Educational Trajectories, Mathematics Achievement, and Stakeholder Perceptions (pp. 98 - 149). Luxembourg: LUCET & SCRIPT. doi:10.48746/EPS2023-4

Ugen, S., Lenz, T., Colling, J., Grund, A., Keller, U., Esch, P., Backes, S., Gezer, E. T., Hoffmann, D., Elisa, M., Weis, L., & Fischbach, A. (2023). Conclusion and Implications. In European Public School Report 2023: Preliminary Results on Student Population, Educational Trajectories, Mathematics Achievement, and Stakeholder Perceptions (pp. 150 - 162). Luxembourg: LUCET & SCRIPT. doi:10.48746/EPS2023-5

Monteiro, S., Hipp, G., Esch, P., & Ugen, S. (22 May 2023). The impact of cerebral visual impairment in school related competences in elementary school children [Paper presentation]. Vision Sciences Society (VSS), Florida, United States. doi:10.1167/jov.23.9.4889
Peer reviewed

Pit-Ten Cate, I., Esch, P., Keller, U., Fischbach, A., & Wollschläger, R. (28 February 2023). Subjektives Wohlbefinden und akademische Leistung in der Grundschule: Längsschnittliche Befunde von der 3. bis zum 5. Klasse [Paper presentation]. Zehnte Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung, Essen, Germany.

Monteiro, S., Esch, P., Hipp, G., & Ugen, S. (10 November 2022). Implementation of a large-scale functional vision screener in early childhood at a national level [Paper presentation]. LuxERA Conference 2022.

Fischbach, A., Colling, J., Levy, J., Pit-Ten Cate, I., Rosa, C., Krämer, C., Keller, U., Gamo, S., Hornung, C., Sonnleitner, P., Ugen, S., Esch, P., & Wollschläger, R. (2022). Findings from the ÉpStan National Education Monitoring against the Background of the COVID-19 Pandemic. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021LU-EN-34

Pit-Ten Cate, I., Esch, P., Keller, U., Fischbach, A., & Wollschläger, R. (09 March 2022). Subjektives Wohlbefinden in der 5. und 9. Schulklasse: gibt es einen Zusammenhang mit dem Bildungsweg und der schulischen Leistung? [Paper presentation]. 9. Tagung der GEBF, Bamberg (online), Germany.

Fischbach, A., Colling, J., Levy, J., Pit-Ten Cate, I., Rosa, C., Krämer, C., Keller, U., Gamo, S., Hornung, C., Sonnleitner, P., Ugen, S., Esch, P., & Wollschläger, R. (2022). Findings from the ÉpStan National Education Monitoring against the Background of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Online Supplement. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021LU-EN-34b

Wollschläger, R., Esch, P., Keller, U., Fischbach, A., & Pit-Ten Cate, I. (2022). Academic Achievement and Subjective Well-being: A Representative Cross-sectional Study. In A. Heinen, R. Samuel, C. Vögele, ... H. E. Willems, Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit im Jugendalter (pp. 191-214). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-35744-3_10
Peer reviewed

Hornung, C., Wollschläger, R., Keller, U., Esch, P., Muller, C., & Fischbach, A. (2021). Nouveaux résultats longitudinaux issus du monitoring scolaire national ÉpStan en première et troisième année scolaire (cycles 2.1 et 3.1) : tendance négative au niveau du développement des compétences et redoublements inefficaces. In LUCET & SCRIPT, Rapport national sur l’éducation au Luxembourg 2021 (pp. 44-55). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University og Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-fr-14
Peer reviewed

Hornung, C., Wollschläger, R., Keller, U., Esch, P., Muller, C., & Fischbach, A. (2021). Neue längsschnittliche Befunde aus dem nationalen Bildungsmonitoring ÉpStan in der 1. und 3. Klasse: Negativer Trend in der Kompetenzentwicklung und kein Erfolg bei Klassenwiederholungen. In LUCET & SCRIPT, Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021 (pp. 44-55). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University og Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-de-14a
Peer reviewed

Fischbach, A., Colling, J., Levy, J., Pit-Ten Cate, I., Rosa, C., Krämer, C., Keller, U., Gamo, S., Hornung, C., Sonnleitner, P., Ugen, S., Esch, P., & Wollschläger, R. (2021). Befunde aus dem nationalen Bildungsmonitoring ÉpStan vor dem Hintergrund der COVID-19- Pandemie. In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021 (pp. 141-157). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-de-34a
Peer reviewed

Fischbach, A., Colling, J., Levy, J., Pit-Ten Cate, I., Rosa, C., Krämer, C., Keller, U., Gamo, S., Hornung, C., Sonnleitner, P., Ugen, S., Esch, P., & Wollschläger, R. (2021). Résultats du monitoring scolaire national ÉpStan dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19. In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Rapport national sur l’éducation au Luxembourg 2021 (pp. 141-157). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-fr-34
Peer reviewed

Fischbach, A., Colling, J., Levy, J., Pit-Ten Cate, I., Rosa, C., Krämer, C., Keller, U., Gamo, S., Hornung, C., Sonnleitner, P., Ugen, S., Esch, P., & Wollschläger, R. (2021). Résultats du monitoring scolaire national ÉpStan dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19 (Matériels supplémentaires). In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Rapport National sur l´Éducation au Luxembourg 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/BB2021LU-FR-34B
Peer reviewed

Fischbach, A., Colling, J., Levy, J., Pit-Ten Cate, I., Rosa, C., Krämer, C., Keller, U., Gamo, S., Hornung, C., Sonnleitner, P., Ugen, S., Esch, P., & Wollschläger, R. (2021). Befunde aus dem nationalen Bildungsmonitoring ÉpStan vor dem Hintergrund der COVID-19 Pandemie (Supplement). In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-de-34b
Peer reviewed

Monteiro, S., Esch, P., Hipp, G., & Ugen, S. (11 November 2021). Development of a screening tool for functional vision impairments in early childhood [Paper presentation]. LuxEra Emerging Researchers' Conference.

Monteiro, S., Esch, P., Hipp, G., & Ugen, S. (21 October 2021). Development of a large-scale screener for functional vision impairments in early childhood [Paper presentation]. Forum Annuel du GDR Vision, Lille, France.

Wollschläger, R., Esch, P., Fischbach, A., & Pit-Ten Cate, I. (March 2020). Schulisches Wohlbefinden und Schulzufriedenheit unter Berücksichtigung sozio-demografischer Variablen und akademischer Leistung [Paper presentation]. 8. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF2020), Potsdam, Germany.

Pit-Ten Cate, I., Wollschläger, R., Esch, P., & Fischbach, A. (May 2019). Measuring social participation of students with special educational needs using large scale data [Paper presentation]. mini-conference on the Social Inclusion of students with disabilities in general education, Groningen, Netherlands.

Hoffmann, D., Hornung, C., Gamo, S., Esch, P., Keller, U., & Fischbach, A. (2018). Les compétences scolaires des enfants au début du cycle 2 de l'école fondamentale au Luxembourg et leur développement après deux ans. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Universität Luxemburg - Service de la Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques.

Hoffmann, D., Hornung, C., Gamo, S., Esch, P., Keller, U., & Fischbach, A. (2018). Schulische Kompetenzen von Erstklässlern und ihre Entwicklung nach zwei Jahren. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Universität Luxemburg - Service de la Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques.

Hoffmann, D., Hornung, C., Gamo, S., Esch, P., Keller, U., & Fischbach, A. (08 November 2018). Schulische Kompetenzen von Erstklässlern und ihre Entwicklung nach zwei Jahren [Poster presentation]. Luxembourg Educational Research Assocation Conference LuxERA, Belval, Luxembourg.

Keller, U., Strobel, A., Martin, R., Fischbach, A., Esch, P., & Preckel, F. (June 2016). Différences inter‐ et intraindividuelles en besoin de cognition [Poster presentation]. 22èmes Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle, Chambéry, France.

Esch, P., Bocquet, V., Pull, C., Couffignal, S., Lehnert, T., Graas, M., Fond-Harmant, L., & Ansseau, M. (2014). The downward spiral of mental disorders and educational attainment: a systematic review on early school leaving. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 237. doi:10.1186/s12888-014-0237-4
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Esch, P., Bocquet, V., Pull, C., Demogeot, C., Lehnert, T., Graas, M., Fond-Harmant, L., & Ansseau, M. (2014). Santé mentale et éducation au Luxembourg: Etude des facteurs de risque psychosociaux associés au décrochage scolaire. In Prévention et promotion de la santé mentale: Une alliance transfrontalière innovante (pp. 20-41). L'Harmattan.
Peer reviewed

Esch, P., Bocquet, V., Pull, C., Couffignal, S., Graas, M., Lair, M.-L., Lehnert, T., Fond-Harmant, L., & Ansseau, M. (2011). Psychosocial risk and protective factors of secondary school dropout in Luxembourg: the protocol of an exploratory case-control study. BMC Public Health, 11, 555. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-11-555

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