About Statistics

ORBilu has been collecting statistical data since its creation in 2012. We are able to visualise the scientific production of the University of Luxembourg and the global impact and influence of our research projects and researchers. The statistics showcase the shift in research trends and priorities, the strength of our research programmes and our international collaborations. Statistics also show how Open Access is vital in terms of dissemination, visibility and in the translation of our research into practice. 


The ORBilu statistics module has been revamped with:

  • New interface improvements:
    • mobile enabled design
    • a more modern and ergonomic presentation
    • faster generation of statistics pages 
    • improvement of export options (jpeg, csv, pdf, url).
  • New graphics thanks to a more detailed exploitation of the collected data:
    • share of Open Access in the databases
    • authors with the largest number of open access archives
    • distribution by type of document or by discipline
    • citations.

These improvements concern not only the public statistics but also the statistics of the University of Luxembourg's authors via MyORBilu.

Special attention has been paid to the consistency and reliability of the information with ORBilu data which is continuously updated and recorded in counter format.

In addition to ORBilu statistics, the user can also access alt-metrics data via the badge implemented in the detailed reference display. This indicator makes it possible to visualise the impact of the publication in social media (tweets, mentions on blogs, Wikipedia, Dimensions citations).

Other improvements:

  • Refinement of the referral list (origin of visitors).
  • Filtering of robots' access to provide only the accesses and downloads realised by real people, based on a 'black' list established from: 
    • the list provided by the Counter standard
    • the internal list of DSpace
    • completed by an exploitation of the logs.


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