ORBilu has been developed to cater for the greatest possible majority of the University's research output. Thirteen types of documents and over thirty subtypes have been defined to correspond to the research output in the various sectors of the Institution. For harmonization reasons, certain groupings had to be undertaken, which also allow for interoperability with similar initiatives in Europe and abroad (for example: OpenAIRE).
A conceptual schema of metadata which are specific to each type of document has been defined and integrated into the reference submission process. This means that the submission form adapts automatically, providing the depositor with data referring only to the selected type of document.
These metadata have been designed to respond to the particular requirements of the Institution while at the same time complying with international standards (Dublin Core, Qualified Dublin Core, OAI-PMH) with a view to permitting the gathering of data by international tools.
It could be that some metadata appear to be of little or no use. They were added because they correspond to a real need within certain sectors of the Institution. Other metadata could also have been added, however, it was judged preferable not to overburden the submission forms and to only include what is relevant to ORBilu's users.
View ORBilu's complete typology.
An E-print or working paper is a working academic or scientific research document available uniquely in an electronic version and not published through the traditional publishing circuit. It can thus not have been subject to ‘standard’ peer reviewing. It generally features on the authors’ personal websites or on sites linked to an institution. It consists of working documents which are subject to frequent development and which regularly offer a supplementary value, even after publication, as they can contain more items of information or a more developed argument on the part of the author.
All references within ORBilu must, at the beginning of the submission process, be linked to one or several thematic disciplines and sub-disciplines. This indispensable categorization has the purpose of structuring the repository and, in particular, permits the user to scan through it or to subscribe, by RSS feed, to the recently archived submissions in line with his/her centers of interest.
These classifications have been inspired by the ISI classification of Current Contents as well as by various national and international classifications. Like any classification process, this categorization is essentially imperfect and open to question. It was developed by deciding to avoid the multiplication of categories which would have led to it quickly becoming unusable.