Training Sessions Overview


The number of places for each sesssion is restricted to 20 participants. Registration is required.

ORBilu and Copyright in an Open Access World

Length: 1 hour

Target Audience: Authors, Researchers, Administrative Assistants, PhD Students, Doctoral Candidates


  • Learn the details of the University of Luxembourg Digital Repository Mandate and how to respond to its requirements.
  • Familiarize oneself with copyright in the context of Open Access.
  • Become aware of the key elements of ORBilu.
  • Learn what you can do with your references in ORBilu.

To organise a training session, please contact us.

ORBilu Online Training Videos

Subject Video
What is MyORBilu?
This 4 minute video explains the significance of each section in your MyORBilu.
 What is MyORBilu?
What are the different access types for documents in ORBilu and how can I use the Advanced Search?
This 2 minute video starts by showing you how to perform an advanced search and goes on to explain each of the different access types that are available.
 Access types and advanced search
How to check your journal's Open Access policy.
This 4 minute video shows you how to use ORBilu and Sherpa/RoMEO to check your journal's Open Access policy.
 Check your journal's OA policy
How to import references.
This 4 minute video shows you the steps to import references into ORBilu from other systems such as Scopus, Web of Science or even simple formats like BibTeX.
 Import references
How to use the duplicate detection functionality.
This 2 minute video shows you how to use the duplicate detection functionality provided by ORBilu.
 Duplicate detection usage
How to validate a reference entered by your proxy.
This 2 minute video shows you how to validate a reference that has been entered by your proxy in ORBilu.
 Validate a reference
How to modify a reference.
This 2 minute video shows you the steps required to modify an archived reference.
 Modify a reference
How to modify the affiliation of an author.
This 2 minute video shows you the steps required to modify the affiliation of an author on an archived reference.
 Modify an affiliation
How to produce a publication report.
This 4 minute video shows you the steps required to produce a publication report.
 Produce a publication report
How to claim your ORBilu references in ORCID
This less than 2 minute video shows you the steps to link your ORBilu publications to ORCID through BASE
 Claiming your ORBilu references in ORCID