First Steps with ORBilu

Key Areas of the Deposit Process

Document Type

The document type defines what kind of publication you are depositing: an article, a book chapter, a paper from a conference proceeding, etc. ORBilu proposes a wide range of different document types to choose from. You can see the full list, with definitions, in the typography which can be found in the Toolbox.

Naturally, different document types have different information associated with them. For example:

  • Book Chapter - a chapter in a book has not only the details of the chapter but also the details of the book itself, its title, editor, etc.
  • Journal Article - a journal article contains information on the journal in which the article was published, its title, ISSN, peer review indicator, etc.

Therefore, it is important to select the correct document type for the publication you wish to deposit. As a general rule, if it has an ISBN, it's in a book - be it a book chapter or a paper from a conference proceeding published in a book. If it has an ISSN, it's in a journal.

For the "Lecture Notes in ...." series, we recommend you choose the "book" option as it allows you to specify the title of the book. You can put the "Lecture Notes in ...." details in the "Collection and collection volume" field. For an example, see Beyond Tor: The TrueNyms Protocol from Nicolas Bernard and Franck Leprévost.


The discipline provides a means of loosely grouping publications together in order to aid visitors to the site who are interested in certain fields. You are able to choose multiple disciplines in order to most accurately reflect the subject matter of your publication.

The disciplines provided have been inspired by the ISI classification of Current Content as well as by various national and international classifications. Like any classification process, this categorization is essentially imperfect and open to question. It was developed by deciding to avoid the multiplication of categories which would have led to it quickly becoming unusable.

Author Selection and Affiliation

Each author has a unique identifier in ORBilu. This allows ORBilu to be able to group together the publications for a particular author and display them, for example, on his/her webpage. Therefore, it is important to always select your co-author from the list of names supplied.

The affiliation of the author should be his/her place of work at the time of publication. For authors, their affiliation will display automatically. If they were employed elsewhere at the time of publication or you wish to specify multiple affiliations (ex: SnT + CSC), click on the button to modify their affiliation.

If you have an external co-author who has the same name as a author, enter their last name in the field but do not choose a name from the list. Move to the first name field and enter the first name or initials of your co-author and then continue with the rest of the fields.

Journal Details

ORBilu provides a list of over 40 000 journal titles which have been verified by the ORBilu and/or ORBi(Liège) team. By selecting from the list, you get not only the full journal details such as ISSN and peer-review indicator but it ensures that the link to the Sherpa/RoMEO database where you can check your publisher's self-archiving policy is created. This doesn't guarantee that your journal is in Sherpa/RoMEO but at least, if it is, it guarantees that the page will be found.

Other Key Details

Some other key fields to complete, even though they are not required, are:

  • Keywords - helps users to see the key areas that are discussed in your publication;
  • Abstract - provides an overview which encourages users to read the publication;
  • Research Project Name - if you need to produce a publication list for your research project, enter its name here (or select from the list) and then you can have ORBilu produce the report for you in seconds.
  • DOI - link to your publisher's website via the DOI; most publishers require a link to their website as part of their self-archiving policy. Provide it simply and easily by copy/pasting the DOI into this field.

Avoiding Duplicates

In order to avoid duplicates, we recommend that the first member (amongst all of a publication's authors) deposits into ORBilu. As long as you choose your co-author from the proposed list, they will see in their MyORBilu that the submission is in progress. They can then make any necessary changes to the reference during the signature process (if required) or after the submission has been completed.

Transfer of Publications from

All the references that were in the previous system ( have been pre-imported into ORBilu. These references have to be checked and completed by the authors. For peer-reviewed journal articles and papers from conference proceedings published in a journal since 1 Jan 2009, the depositor will also have to add the full text of the document and choose its access type (open access, open access with embargo, restricted access).