This is a non public archive only, with no link to current ORBilu v2 at ORBILU.UNI.LU.
This server will be deleted in 2024.
ORBilu has been in existence for almost 10 years now. Developed by the team of librarians at the University of Liège, a lot of work has been done on their side for several years to bring ORBi up to date with modern technology. Quite advanced at the time, you will agree that nowadays the user interface and the technology behind it is very outdated.
Of course, cosmetic changes are important, but the new version is particularly exciting because of the new features it brings, both for your as a user and for the referencing and visibility of your publications. Picking only one example, you can now simply enter the DOI, the title of the article or even the PDF itself to have all the metadata filled in, and collected from even more sources than before. The tool comes with even more features and updates; you can ask us if you are interested.
The ORBilu team was able to test part of the new version and we are thrilled to let you know that we will also be moving to this new version within the next few months, with a planned release during 2023 Spring!!!
Dear colleagues,
For the upcoming new academic year, we will release a new version of ORBilu, the Open Repository and Bibliography of the University of Luxembourg. It is important that you read this message to understand what will happen to your ORBilu V1 data and access the link to the FAQ.
The library is happy to annouce that a 'read & publish' deal has been signed with Taylor & Francis. You can now publish an article in ('Gold') Open Access in most journals from this publisher, and to no extra costs to you the author(s) (see below the list of excluded journals).
Any article accepted after 01 January 2021 (i.e. not the submissiond date) is eligible under this deal.
You do not have to do anything, the process is automatic, once your article is accepted it will appear on our dashboard and we will accept it for you assuming it is eligible.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on
Importing your ORBilu references in your ORCID profile is easy, just follow this tutorial
Please contact us at if you have any doubts
Affiliations have been updated in ORBIlu with the new 2020 departments and faculties acronyms.
While entering a reference, the affiliation field will display both your former and new affiliation.
Choose the one relevant to the period of publication of your work.
Don't forget to use both the old and the new name of your faculty/department to perform a 2020 report.
Mosa aims to highlight Open Access research produced by scholars from Belgian and Luxembourgish institutions. More than 10 repositories are daily harvested in Mosa.
Mosa also contains publications and communications with restricted access (intranet). Depending on the repositories, a Request a print option can help you to directly contact the author and ask for an electronic copy.
The ORBilu team is pleased to offer you individual online session of Clean my ORBilu Training.
The aim of this session is to help you improve the discoverability and accessibility of your publications by improving the quality of your ORBilu profile and the metadata of your references.
The 2019 International Open Access Week will be held October 21-27, 2019. This year’s theme, “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge,” builds on the groundwork laid during last year’s focus of “Designing Equitable Foundations for Open Knowledge.”
As has become a yearly habit, OpenAIRE will organise a series of webinars during this week, highlighting OpenAIRE activities, services and tools and reaching out to the wider community with relevant talks.
On the programme this year:
- Monday October 21st at 11 AM CEST: OpenAPC - cost transparency of Open Access publishing by Christoph Broschinski and Andreas Czerniak (UNIBI)
- Monday October 21st at 2 PM CEST : Research Data Management by S. Venkataraman (DCC) and Thomas Margoni (CREATe)
- Tuesday October 22nd at 10 AM CEST: Horizon 2020 Open Science Policies and beyond by Emilie Hermans (OpenAIRE)
- Friday October 25th at 11 AM CEST: Plan S compliance for Open Access Journals - what we know so far and where we think we're heading by Dominic Mitchell (DOAJ)
- Friday October 25th at 2 PM CEST: From Open Science to Inclusive Science by Paola Masuzzo
The Open Researcher and Contributor ID - ORCID - provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognised. If you do not already have one, you can register on their website:
The current version of ORBilu does not include the option to fill-in your ORCID, but it will be added to the system in the near future.
In the meantime, here is a work-around to feed-in your ORCID profile from ORBilu:
1) From your ORCID profile, under the 'Works' sections, click on "Add works" > "Search & link" > "BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine"
2) Update the search field with your name as it appears on ORBilu - aut:"SURNAME, FIRST NAME"
3) Check which publications belong to you and click on "Claim" next to your name.
You ORCID profile should show those publications you claimed.