ORBilu v2

Dear colleagues, 

For the upcoming new academic year, we will release a new version of ORBilu, the Open Repository and Bibliography of the University of Luxembourg. It is important that you read this message to understand what will happen to your ORBilu V1 data and access the link to the FAQ. 


  • Only publications with the status ‘Archived References’ will be automatically migrated to the new ORBilu server during the transition period:  for the archived references, you have nothing to do.


  • We need you to finalise your pending references on ORBilu during the summer period and by Friday 14th of September. References that are not archived cannot be transferred directly to the new version: if you have references with status "Submissions in progress for signature or validation" or "Imported references", you have to validate them.


ORBilu V1 will still be accessible on the Intranet until end of October 2023, and regular data updates between both versions will take place. 

Visit our FAQ page for further information about the new version and to learn more about what you need to do.   


Yours sincerely

The ORBilu team 