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See detail0.1 µm T-gate Al-free InP/InGaAs/InP pHEMTs for W-Band Applications Using a Nitrogen Carrier for LP-MOCVD Growth
Schimpf, K.; Sommer, M.; Horstmann, M. et al

in IEEE Electron Device Letters (1997), 18

We report on the dc and RF performance of HEMT’s based on the Al-free material system InP/InGaAs/InP. These structures were grown by LP-MOCVD using a nitrogen carrier. The influence of gate length and ... [more ▼]

We report on the dc and RF performance of HEMT’s based on the Al-free material system InP/InGaAs/InP. These structures were grown by LP-MOCVD using a nitrogen carrier. The influence of gate length and channel composition on the performance of these devices is investigated.We demonstrate that optimum dc and RF performance using highly strained channels can be obtained only if additional composite channels are grown. The cutoff frequencies fT =160 GHz and fmax=260 GHz for a 0.1- um T-gate device indicate the suitability of our devices for W-Band applications. [less ▲]

Detailed reference viewed: 1433 (48 UL)
See detail0.2µm T-gate InP/InGaAs/InP pHEMT with an InGaP Diffusion Barrier Layer Grown By LP-MOCVD Using an N2-carrier
Schimpf, K.; Hollfelder, M.; Horstmann, M. et al

in Proceedings of the 26th European Solid State Devices Research Conference, Bologna, Italy, 1996 (1996)

Detailed reference viewed: 1183 (1 UL)
See detail0.2µm T-gate InP/InGaAs/InP pHEMT with InGaP Diffusion Barrier Layer Grown by LP-MOCVD using an N2-Carrier
Schimpf, K.; Hollfelder, M.; Horstmann, M. et al

in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on InP and Related Compounds, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany (1996)

Detailed reference viewed: 1156 (7 UL)
See detail007 meets Van Helsing: James Bond and Contemporary Gothic Visual Culture
Steveker, Lena UL

in Frenk, Joachim; Krug, Christian (Eds.) The Cultures of James Bond (2011)

The Bond series has not only traditionally made use of the Gothic mode, but it has also influenced the Gothic in its turn. Taking its cue from the Alan Moore’s graphic novel The League of Extraordinary ... [more ▼]

The Bond series has not only traditionally made use of the Gothic mode, but it has also influenced the Gothic in its turn. Taking its cue from the Alan Moore’s graphic novel The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (vol.1, 1999), its filmic adaptation (2003) and the film Van Helsing (2004), this essay discusses the ways in which the character of Bond and the Bond formula have made their entry into contemporary Gothic visual culture. As the many intertextual references to Bond in both versions of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen make clear, James Bond has become a role model, a figure other popular-cultural texts draw on and fall back to in gestures of either imitation, subversion or parody. Furthermore, the references to Bond serve to link the texts mentioned above, which are all set in the late Victorian Age, to the popular culture of late the 20th and early 21st centuries. Concentrating in more detail on Van Helsing, which establishes an exceptionally prominent Bondian subtext, this essay reads the film as conflating the narrative and ideological scripts of both Bond and Stoker’s Dracula. As argued in this essay, the combined use of Bond and Gothic mode enables the film to criticise the re-introduction of the categories of good and evil as an allegedly stable binary difference into early 21st-century western Realpolitik. [less ▲]

Detailed reference viewed: 264 (8 UL)
See detail00s – The History of a Decade that has not yet been named
Moisdon, Stephanie; Ulrich Obrist, Hans; Miessen, Markus UL

Book published by les Presses du réel (2007)

The curators of the ninth Lyon Biennial approached the task of mapping the moment in contemporary art playfully: by commissioning a polyphonic history and geography book. With 70 "players" from around the ... [more ▼]

The curators of the ninth Lyon Biennial approached the task of mapping the moment in contemporary art playfully: by commissioning a polyphonic history and geography book. With 70 "players" from around the world, the "game" of how to define the decade unfolded via a series of delegations, invitations and programs in which artists proposed their responses and critics and curators sequenced and challenged them, in turn suggesting artists of their own. Reframing the unfolding present from within, creatively rethinking the role of the artist as well as that of serious play, and reconsidering the now-ubiquitous and decreasingly authoritative biennial exhibition, these myriad voices, framed by only a few rules, became participants in an exercise in collective self-determination. This lavishly illustrated publication, designed by the renowned Parisian firm M/M and edited by Biennial curators Hans Ulrich Obrist and Stéphanie Moisdon, includes previously unpublished essays by Michel Houellebecq, Okwui Enwezor and Ralph Rugoff, and functions as a manual for "a decade yet to be named a present that is endlessly arriving." [less ▲]

Detailed reference viewed: 77 (1 UL)
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See detail1 Energy-Efficient Hybrid Beamforming for Multi-Layer RIS-Assisted Secure Integrated Terrestrial-Aerial Network
Sun, Yifu; An, Kang; Zhu, Yonggang et al

in IEEE Transactions on Communications (2022), 70(6), 4189-4210

The integration of aerial platforms to provide ubiq- uitous coverage and connectivity for densely deployed terrestrial networks is expected to be a reality in emerging sixth-generation networks. Energy ... [more ▼]

The integration of aerial platforms to provide ubiq- uitous coverage and connectivity for densely deployed terrestrial networks is expected to be a reality in emerging sixth-generation networks. Energy-effificient design and secure transmission are two crucial issues for integrated terrestrial-aerial networks. With this focus, due to the potential of RIS in substantially saving power consumption and boosting the security of private information by enabling a smart radio environment, this paper investigates the energy-efficient hybrid beamforming for multi- layer reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-assisted secure in- tegrated terrestrial-aerial network for defending against simul- taneous jamming and eavesdropping attacks. Specifically, with the available of angular information based imperfect channel state information (CSI), we propose a framework for the joint optimization of user’s received precoder, terrestrial BS’s and HAP’s digital precoder, and multi-layer RIS analog precoder to maximize the system energy efficiency (EE) performance. For the design of received precoder, a heuristic beamforming scheme is proposed to convert the worst-case problem into a min-max one such that a closed-form solution is derived. For the design of digital precoder, we propose an iterative sequential convex approximation approach via capitalizing the auxiliary variables and first-order Taylor series expansion. Finally, a monotonic vertex-update algorithm with penalty convex concave procedure is proposed to obtain analog precoder with low computational complexity. Numerical results show the superiority and effective- ness of proposed optimization framework and architecture [less ▲]

Detailed reference viewed: 63 (4 UL)
See detail1 Sprooch – 1 Identitéit?
Kmec, Sonja UL

Speeches/Talks (2017)

Detailed reference viewed: 1042 (11 UL)
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See detailThe 1-eigenspace for matrices in GL2(ℤℓ)
Lombardo, Davide; Perucca, Antonella UL

in New York Journal of Mathematics (2017)

Detailed reference viewed: 1077 (3 UL)
See detail1. Bildungsbericht Stadt Trier 2010
Schreiber, Norbert; Ottenbacher, Martha UL

Report (2011)

Der Bericht orientiert sich in seinem Aufbau am nationalen Bildungsbericht und nimmt demnach alle Bildungsbereiche von der frühkindlichen Bildung bis zur Weiterbildung in den Blick. Gegenstand des Trierer ... [more ▼]

Der Bericht orientiert sich in seinem Aufbau am nationalen Bildungsbericht und nimmt demnach alle Bildungsbereiche von der frühkindlichen Bildung bis zur Weiterbildung in den Blick. Gegenstand des Trierer Berichts sind außerdem Lernwelten außerhalb der Bildungseinrichtungen, die Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen weitere Bildungsgelegenheiten bieten. [less ▲]

Detailed reference viewed: 93 (0 UL)
See detailDer 1. Mai im Tageblatt
Caregari, Laure UL

Article for general public (2013)

Detailed reference viewed: 1161 (13 UL)
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See detail1.8% de la population vit dans un ménage collectif
Heinz, Andreas UL; Peltier, François; Thill, Germaine et al

E-print/Working paper (2013)

On 1st February 2011, 1.8% of the population of the Grand Duchy were in an institutional household (9073 persons). Among those persons, we find mainly people living in old people’s home (56.1% of ... [more ▼]

On 1st February 2011, 1.8% of the population of the Grand Duchy were in an institutional household (9073 persons). Among those persons, we find mainly people living in old people’s home (56.1% of collective households), then people living in home for adults (10.4%), children living in home for child (5.8%), military living in barracks (5.5%) and those in prison (5.0%). If everyone may need at a time in his life to stay in a collective household, two age’s categories are particularly relevant: the elderly and young adults. [less ▲]

Detailed reference viewed: 1486 (169 UL)
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See detail100 ans de politique pragmatique
Sneessens, Henri UL

Article for general public (2013)

Detailed reference viewed: 1177 (9 UL)
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See detail100 Jaar Prandtl-Wig: De draagkrachtfactoren
Van Baars, Stefan UL

in Geotechniek (2017), December

In 1920 publiseerde Prandtl een artikel over het bezwijken van een materiaal onder een strookbelasting. De bezweken grondmoot is hierbij verdeeld in drie zones, die tezamen de zogenoemde Prandtl-wig ... [more ▼]

In 1920 publiseerde Prandtl een artikel over het bezwijken van een materiaal onder een strookbelasting. De bezweken grondmoot is hierbij verdeeld in drie zones, die tezamen de zogenoemde Prandtl-wig vormen. Prandtl heeft nooit aan de funderingstechnische toepassing gedacht, maar geotechnici vertalen deze oplossing nu als een analytische oplossing voor de draagkracht van de grond onder een strookfundering. Deze oplossing is uitgebreid door Reissner met een bovenbelasting naast de funderingsstrook en door Keverling Buisman en Terzaghi voor het grondgewicht. Terzaghi schreef dit als eerste met drie gescheiden draagkrachtfactoren en Meyerhof als eerste met “inclinatie-” en “shape” factoren, voor de drie afzonderlijke draagkrachtcomponenten; cohesie, bovenbelasting en het grondgewicht. Deze schrijfwijze werd later door Brinch Hansen overgenomen. In dit artikel zijn een groot aantal numerieke berekeningen gemaakt om het bezwijkmechanisme van de Prandtl-wig en de bijbehorende draagkrachtfactoren te controleren. Het blijkt dat het Prandtl-wig bezwijkmechanisme juist is, maar niet in alle gevallen. Ook blijkt dat de analytische oplossingen voor de draagkrachtfactoren die tegenwoordig worden gebruikt, alleen juist zijn voor grond met een onrealistisch hoge dilatantiehoek. [less ▲]

Detailed reference viewed: 1111 (3 UL)
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See detail100 Jahre Intelligenzquotient. Wie der IQ erfunden wurde.
Baudson, Tanja Gabriele UL

Article for general public (2012)

Detailed reference viewed: 1095 (1 UL)
See detail100 Jahre IQ – ein Grund zum Feiern.
Baudson, Tanja Gabriele UL

Article for general public (2012)

Detailed reference viewed: 994 (0 UL)
See detail100 Joer fräi Gewerkschaften (1916-2016): contributions à l'histoire du mouvement syndical luxembourgeois
Scuto, Denis UL; Maas, Jacques; Krier, Frédéric et al

Book published by Le Phare (2016)

Detailed reference viewed: 859 (8 UL)
See detail100 Joer fräi Gewerkschaften. Contributions à l'histoire du mouvement syndical luxembourgeois
Scuto, Denis UL; Krier, Frédéric; Sauer, Arnaud et al

Book published by Editions Le Phare/OGBL (2016)

Detailed reference viewed: 1085 (15 UL)
See detail100 Joer Jeunesse Esch. 1907-2007
Scuto, Denis UL; Hausemer, Georges

Book published by Editions Guy Binsfeld (2007)

Detailed reference viewed: 1130 (1 UL)
See detail100 Joer russesch Presenz zu Lëtzebuerg
Ganschow, Inna UL; Hamdi, Mohamed

Article for general public (2021)

Wann ee vu Migratiounsgeschicht zu Lëtzebuerg schwätzt, denkt ee meeschtens un italieenesch a portugisesch Awanderer. Datt et awer zënter op d'mannst 100 Joer och eng russesch Präsenz zu Lëtzebuerg gëtt ... [more ▼]

Wann ee vu Migratiounsgeschicht zu Lëtzebuerg schwätzt, denkt ee meeschtens un italieenesch a portugisesch Awanderer. Datt et awer zënter op d'mannst 100 Joer och eng russesch Präsenz zu Lëtzebuerg gëtt ass bis ewell wéineg bekannt. A Kollaboratioun mam Zentrum fir zäitgenösseg an digital Geschicht op der Uni Lëtzebuerg huet d'Fondation Lydie Schmit elo eng originell Etude iwwer d'russesch Immigratioun zu Lëtzebuerg erausginn. De Mohamed Hamdi huet d'Buch gelies. [less ▲]

Detailed reference viewed: 140 (3 UL)